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string_jaro_winkler(first, second)number

Calculate the Jaro-Winkler distance between two strings

getPrefix(a1, a2, character_limit)number

Counts the number of common characters at the beginning of each word up to a maximum of 4

string_jaro_winkler(first, second) ⇒ number

Calculate the Jaro-Winkler distance between two strings

Kind: global function
Returns: number - similarity score, higher value means strings are more similar

firststringThe string to compare
secondstringThe string to compare with

getPrefix(a1, a2, character_limit) ⇒ number

Counts the number of common characters at the beginning of each word up to a maximum of 4

Kind: global function

a1stringThe first string to compare
a2stringThe second string to compare